A. Vision
“The Sama-Bajau avail basic freedoms and rights to realize their full potential as people.”
To see all Sama-Bajau migrants here in Central Luzon be afforded with basic freedoms and rights which enable them to actualize their full potential as fellow Filipinos to counter the ever-growing negative perceptions and attitudes harbored by those who judge and misunderstand the plight of this population.
B. Mission
“To create a model Sama-Bajau community and advocate on the tribe’s behalf.”
To gain knowledge, humility, and inspiration from one of the most socially oppressed and ignored ethnic tribal groups in the Philippines which will allow us to create a model Sama-Bajau community accentuating the quality in every man, women and child, chipping away at uninformed generalizations, and creating a holistic movement of awareness and support for change.
C. Goals
A. To facilitate the basic education of Bajau children and community members
B. To empower Bajau families with the capacity to follow their interests and develop sustainable communities